تقرير الجلسة الحوارية عن الوضع البيئي في #اليمن
والتي تم تنظيمها في المؤسسة يوم 20 ديسمبر الماضي
بالتعاون مع برنامج الامم المتحدة للبيئة وشركة سامسونج الكورية .
A Meet-Up Session about the Environmental Issues in Yemen
On December 20, 2014 I host my first activity as Ambassador to Yemen, which was
” A Meet-Up Session about the Environmental Issues in Yemen “.
The meet-up Session took place at Marib Dam Foundation for Development, where I am working as Activities and Projects Officer in the foundation.
The session was hosted by I start leading the discussion at 9 am to 12 pm, and attended by 20 participants from different backgrounds in Marib City.
The participants in the meet up session addressed the environmental issues in Yemen and the role of young people in How can we take part in environmental activities and raise awareness in their local communities about the important of environment and the tools and ways of using Eco and friendly product in their daily life.
There was great interaction between the participants, who came from different backgrounds to share their Ideas and give their potential solutions to improve environment and sustainable development concepts.
I also talked about Tunza Eco-generation Ambassador Program and what we do through the website. I then told them about my role as Ambassador to Yemen and I distribute the promotion goods I have received from Korea .
The support and great impression I received was enormous. They really like the promotion goods and how it’s simple to have such thing friendly to environment and recyclable .
Even after we finished the discussion, some Participants had started asking me more information about our roles as Ambassadors and how can they get part and take actions with us and expressed support for Tunza Eco-Generation Platform.
It was an Awesome event and I am planning to organize new event and target new part of audience to promote Eco concepts and Education for Sustainable Development in the coming Year.
Thanks a lot to all of you for all the efforts and activities you did, It was really inspiration and helpful for me in organizing this event.
Happy New Year to All, Have a nice holiday ^_^
Best Regards
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تنفذ جلسة حوارية عن الوضع البيئي في اليمن